A properly working tongue is essential to proper body function. Tongue-tie can harm nutrition, cause chronic jaw pain, result in poor sleep and damage self-esteem.
Doctors often diagnose babies with tongue-tie when they have trouble breastfeeding. But for babies who are entirely bottle-fed, tongue-tie may not be diagnosed until much later. Older children may receive treatment if they display difficulty eating or develop a lisp.
If the tongue-tie is not diagnosed until adulthood, there are already long-term effects. These can include mouth-breathing, anxiety about speaking, chronic pain or depression. Repairing tongue-tie at any age improves the patient’s quality of life.
What is Tongue-Tie?
Tongue-tie, also called ankyloglossia, describes a condition when a strand of attaching skin underneath the tongue prevents free tongue movement and related uses. Normally, this band of tissue separates before birth occurs. It is not completely understood why some babies maintain this tissue. It may have a genetic component, as it often runs in families.
Why Is Tongue-Tie a Problem?
Tongue-tie affects the way babies, children and adults eat. With a limited diet or inadequate food intake, patients can suffer from nutritional deficits. Malnutrition can affect brain development, energy levels and the ability to concentrate.
Speech difficulties are common with tongue-tie and can be a constant source of anxiety in children and adults. Certain sounds, such as the letter “t,” “s” and the sound “th” can be nearly impossible to pronounce for someone who is tongue-tied.
Tongue-tie can also affect oral health. It can be difficult to brush behind the bottom teeth because patients cannot move the tongue out of the way. Patients may also develop gaps in the bottom teeth from the constant pressure of the tongue. This can lead to disliking their appearance and expensive orthodontic work.
Repairing Tongue-Tie Is About Health and Self-Esteem
Many patients face anxiety and depression about their disorder. Many do not know what tongue-tie is, or that we can easily remedy it with quick and minimally invasive surgery. If you or your child is tongue-tied, contact South Carolina Tongue Tie Center to discuss treatment options.
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538 Savannah Hwy
Charleston, SC 29407
Phone: 843-654-0459
Email: office@sctonguetie.com
Monday - Thursday: 8am - 5pm
Friday: 8am - 2pm